
By Cygnus

Blue for you

There are sweeping swathes of bluebells in Killynether woods - it looks wonderful! I love the combination of bluebells and trees, there is something really magical about a gorgeous green canopy with that blue carpet underneath.

After I had taken some photos I crossed a road to look at the ploughed fields, thinking about trying to capture the ridges and rills. A little car swung around a corner towards me, horn tooting all the while. I thought it was a very cheeky driver until I realised there were two of my pupils in the car, followed closely by another car with more of the sixth form girls. How could I have forgotten - it is the night of the Leavers' Car Rally! I usually help with one of the 'stations' for the rally, but somehow didn't get to sign up in time.

When I was at school I didn't even have a bicycle, but now so many of our pupils drive that we have about 30-40 cars (with driver and navigator) entering for the coveted 'Best Rally Team' award!

So that sent us back to our own car with a smile. Hope the girls drive safely :)

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