Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Beauties (and the beast) ;)

I'm not going to be all sappy this time, as I usually am on the birthday of one of my babies. Ok, maybe a little.

Nineteen years ago on this date my first-born arrived to turn my life upside down and inside out and teach me what love really means. So today, before jetting off to London on business, I took my beautiful daughters and hubs out for a champagne breakfast at my favorite local shabby-chic boutique and café - Villa Landleben. A bit sad I couldn't include my sons, but they had to be in school and would not quite have appreciated he charming locale the way my girls did. They've both been eager to try the place I regularly go for "expat girlie breakfast." So today seemed a fitting, celebratory occasion.

My baby turned 19. Oh where did the time go?! Love, love, love that child young lady!!

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