Toots in Solitude

By Toots


I think I am going to adopt a pseudonym for my pseudonym and am going to blip people and their bags.
This may sound pretty boring but then, the Toots journal has that going for it already. I do love bags and I realise that a lot of my street wandering is diverted by the study of people with their bags. It really is fascinating and the combination of the person, their clothes and the bag or bags they carry (and most people do have a bag or two on their person) gives great flair to the whole people-watching thing.
This was taken from a bus today. I am really quite shy about invading others with my camera on the street so I reckon I'll have to work out a way to capture and then disguise them.

So, if I manage any 'Bag' blips I'll sign out as 'Bagsie'.

Deep fried Sild for tea tonight in the Caley Sample Room in the company of Andy and Donald, great laugh.


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