Out of focus

This picture is indicative of how I have felt all day
Out of focus

Charlotte didn't wake till 7, bliss. Very lazy start to the day. We played, we drew, we messed about. By 10:30 she was displaying her usual Thursday sleepy symptoms. Up to bed she went. We were almost asleep when the phone rang - who's that? Where's daddy? sleep aborted!

A mummy friend from swimming came for lunch - Charlotte seemed not at all bothered by her three week old baby.

They left, Charlotte went up to bed at 2pm (hour later than usual) I remember lying on the sofa...... I don't recall lee taking my glasses off, nor blanket covering.
I woke at 3:30 in panic. The monitor wasn't bleeping!!!!!!!
Raced upstairs to recall turning the bleeps off last night. An exceedingly grumpy, clingy girl was awake.

A friend and her little girl from baby group came for tea, lovely to watch the two of them play together.

I've been out for tea with a girlie friend, left daddy doing bath. Think he had a few issues! Not surprising when you consider she slept till 3:45 then tried to persuade her to go back to sleep at 7:00

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