End of Play

It IS getting colder altho The Boss started out without a jacket and we did make it bark before the cloud came in and threatened to rain...It didn’t.
This morning The Boss had a leaf it day. The pile on our lawn was getting seriously deep so he went out and cleaned up a bit. I kno you will think this funny BUT I generally don’t join him as he has a habit of using a battery powered blower thingie that generates noise right in the middle of the Dog Spectrum and I hate it. I recon that gadgets should have to pass a “dog friendly” test before sale. The Boss had a powered blower that was pretty bad but his new battery one is diabolical. I stay inside and watch through the window just in case he decides to sneak off for a walk or something. Probably not, wot with all the jumping up and down on the Rubbish bin to pack the leaved down. Anyway it looked really great for a while until the wind got up and then………Better not to discuss this. Time will cure all of these issues. A couple of weeks and it will all be over. Actually in case you get the idea that he hates leaves he actually does NOT. He loves the trees and if you have trees you will get leaves unless you have the ones with permanent stick on leaves. De Sid something. They’re OK I suppose but not as pretty. The Sheep (wether) app on the fruitphone is saying some extremely bad things about next week so I see a download from the library coming up. Don’t you just love new Tech?
My “Footie” works without batteries or downloads and The Boss really loves it when he is settled with a good book and I give Footie a blast or three. He says that dog toys should have to pass a “human friendly” test before sale. Errr… Does that sound familiar to you? Heh heh heh
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