Flourtown, PA (getting organized to move)

Photos as ethnography.

Here and now. Then and there. Memories.

Moving, renting a U-Haul truck, packing boxes, throwing away old work files and saving some teaching notes.

Taking stock and remembering the learning of this craft of teaching and consulting.

Why did I save certain files ? (the Fujitsu Japan executive program on Feb 27-28, 2000; notes on effective use of consultants from 1995; a seminar paper on James Brian Quinn's masterful book "The Intelligent Enterprise" from the Business Policy course at SJU circa 1988 that I taught at the Albright College campus in Reading, PA driving 1.5 hrs there from Camden remembering I was 37 then like KB is now; a Wharton doctoral dissertation from 1998 on post-acquisition management practices in banking; some KTSG and CFAR files; the Canadian sociologist Arthur Frank's 1997 review, "The Virtuous Professional: Doctors Healing Themselves"; several book reviews I wrote re "High Impact Consulting" and "Boards at Work").

Letting go of much of my old work and that world but not all and rounding out life.

Now, the task is de-cluttering a life and remembering the poet Bill Stafford's words:

So to you. Friend, I confide my secret:
to be a discoverer you hold close whatever
you find, and after a while you decide
what it is. Then, secure in where you have been,
You turn to the open sea and let go.

PS. A few days later (May 6) I threw away the files noted above as well.

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