Homeward Bound
I set off rom Ohau at 10am this morning - exactly! I arrived home at 6.30pm! What a day!!!!! Kept having to stop for photos! Just had to, it was such a glorious day and there are so many sights to see here
I brunched at Tarras,stopped fro fruit at Cromwell (after walking back along to take a shot of the dam) Oh and before that i stopped off in the middle of nowhere to take a few photos of an amazing sculpture just in the middle of a field. Sculpture of a man in motorbike gear walking in front of his harley - (photos on flickr) Stunning
Then it was Queenstown for food shop (2nd mortgage needed) and a hair cut (third mortgage needed!)
Then it was homeward bound - with a couple of stops for sunburst and hazy dusks
But hey I have a new kitchen and it looks AWESOME!
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