Helen's Watch

BikerBear is running a mini challenge to post macro shots of objects around the house. Since I have recently acquired some macro rings this is a good opportunity to try them out. (Cold weather with possible snow predicted is another good reason.)

This watch lay around Helen's grandmother's house for many years. It didn't look like this. It was badly tarnished and tossed in a box with costume jewellery. In fact burglars came one day, rifled through the trinkets and didn't bother to take it.

GrandClair didn't know its history, but planned to give it to Helen as it is inscribed with the letter H. She took it to the local watchmaker to see if it had any value. He got the watch working, polished it up and declared it was far too valuable to give to a child.

So she gave it to me for safekeeping until Helen is old enough to not lose it. (That may be a while yet :-)

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