
Just to let you see I'm not over 'old' stuff yet ;-) Yep, they're all Morris Minor doors. AC240 is a very old NZ number plate.

I've happily soaked up another hot day.

I braved the Boxing Day sales. Well I skirted the edge of them, or maybe people skirted me as I was still in my running gear. I was after a sun umbrella or shade sale for my back courtyard. Matching sizes, shapes, materials and construction to my needs has been a pain over a couple of years of cursory looking. I'm not a great shopper and my enthusiasm wanes easily.

I've never done a Boxing Day sale in Christchurch before and the idea of Harvey Norman's wasn't hugely appealing. Parking wasn't the nightmare it appeared and the outdoors section was surprisingly unpeopled (it could have been my cursory wash and the running gear ;-) With help of an excellent assistant I found a brilliant square shapped Aussie umbrella. (I know, the words "help", "excellent" and "assistant" normally don't appear in the same sentence). I didn't even have to go and line up in a hideously long queue. I was taken to real desk, given a seat on the other side and the sale was made then and there. Very civilised shopping. 10 minutes later I was out of there. I'm sure the computer and electronic section was hideous.

He did try to sell me an umbrella stand (lump of granite with a pipe sticking out of it) for a mere NZ$199 (Boxing Day sale price). I declined and headed to Bunnings. I managed a park right outside and found a suitable concrete base for a fraction of the price of the granite one. Another 15minute shop and a nice bloke who lifted my 25kg of concrete and pipe into the car.

The longest part was putting the base together and disposing of the packaging (didn't bother with the instructions as they're always useless. How many ways can you put together an umbrella stand?). I reckon it took longer to break down the polystyrene to fit in the rubbish wheelie bin, remove the industrial-strength staples from the cardboard and cut it up to fit in the recycling bin.

I can't believe what a difference the umbrella has made. I'm not good at relaxing but I was quite happy to sit in the shade for a chunk of time this afternoon. Could be the start of a new pass time.

A generous and welcome gift. Thanks Mum and Dad :-)

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