This Diamond's Not Forever

This sculpture, Diamond, and its fellow, Steps, have stood on the Street by-pass at the entrance to the car park of what is now Clark's Village shopping centre ever since we've lived down here. They were commissioned by Clark's to commemorate their 150th anniversary and installed in 1975.

They've recently been the subject of a controversial plan to move them to make way for new signage for the shopping Village. As I cycled past this afternoon, I noticed that blok'n'mesh has been put around them so it look like the move's going ahead, despite complaints that they ought to remain easily visible to visitors to the village.

The new site is close to the Open Air Swimming Pool which opens tomorrow, so locals will still have plenty of opportunity to see them.

Shine On...?

A productive day: bread baked; naked wine order placed; final school visit report written and a cycle to Glastonbury to get tonight's dinner ingredients and today's blip.

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