Britain's Got Petalent......
29 years ago this weekend, I had a joint 21st with my three best friends, Ruth, Rhona and Jennifer. This year, we reach our half century.
Ruth was 50 in March. Her boyfriend took her to the Caribbean to celebrate.
Jennifer was 50 yesterday. Her boyfriend took her to Sicily to stay in the flat that's used as Salvo's home in BBC4's detective series, Montalbano. He proposed to her last night (her boyfriend, not Montalbano, though I think she'd have said yes to him as well!) and she is over the moon.
Rhona will be 50 later his month. She's cruising to Venice, for a week with family.
I'll be 50 in July. At present, the most exiting things I can expect on the big day, are the window cleaner arriving to do the bits I can't reach, and an invitation to take out an Over 50s Funeral Plan....
Somewhere, somehow, it's all gone wrong.......
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