
By TynvdB

The Weser river

Today the sun kept hidden behind thick grey clouds. Only sparsely a local shower brought some water to the fast growing greens, the green fields, the green bushes and trees, the high green grasses, nettles and reed. The green hill forests, the garden greens.. Wherever you look it is greening: “impossible green of spring” as MariB commented yesterday. Impossible to paint, she said: the canvas bursting into flames because of its intensity. Definitely in need for patches of red. So luckily again today everywhere reigned the broad cover of dampening greys.

Part of the day I did my humble paper shredding - here too - in order to create new room. It feels good to go through the remnants of my work as an academic (‘68-’86). And I must say, that apparently I am beyond that turning point, from where I now “know” how to transcend all those personal entanglements, conflicts, which made me finally opt out of that highly ambitioned career. It’s a very long time ago now, and surely, more was at stake than only the fundamental choice between life and school. For life and against school.

Never mind, after leaving I had the opportunity to spend all those unforgettable years, co-caring for our Mischa, doing my fundamental research, writing and working again as environmental lawyer. So, nothing to complain or regret here. Just some impossible spring greens, trees and bushes plus a fresh grey rain shower is good enough for me and my Lumix. And so you could find me this afternoon sitting on a stone at the riverside. Not the Cormorants stone, this time, but as comfortable as that one. Two wild ducks came peddling up stream, curious if there would be some tasty crumbs to pick up. But there weren’t, sorry Ducks, I promise more attention.

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