A view from St Swithin

By stswithin50


Aberdeen has a reputation for being an affluent place and we're certainly very lucky to be blessed with the oil industry and a booming jobs market. There are however pockets of fairly severe deprivation which our practice covers . These are some shops in Middlefield one of the most deprived parts of town. I've never seen the grocer open and it was certainly closed at 4pm as I passed on a way to a call. Recently this whole area has seen an influx of Eastern Europeans who have spruced the place up and done much to improve communal play areas and stair wells. Its likely that this whole area may be demolished at some point - plans are being drawn up to find a solution to one of our notorious bottlenecks ( the Haudigan Roundabout ) - the favourite plan at the moment drives a dual carriageway through where this blip was taken.

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