el lobo feroz

By guerra

Christma Eve

Mrs Loba's Family is large, very LARGE.
It's not because each couple has a lot of kids.... nope
It's because they are tight, close nit family, where cousins, uncles don't loose touch with each other. there is 100+ family members who consider themselves "close Family". During Christmas, and most other celebrations. a normal household can't hold the entire clan. so every year (at least the 20 years I have been around) they rent a HAll!

everyone comes together, there is food, beer, wine, more food, delicious deserts.
in Short it is a Feast!! every year one of the many things the Family does. is dress up one of the Older Cousins as Santa Claus... Santa comes in the hall and gives each and every little cousin a present, and spends some time asking the kid what s/he wishes for x-mas and the Family...

it's a good time! everyone has a good time

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