
By stujphoto

A splash of colour

After my morning swim followed by the obligatory date slice and coffee at the Dunbar Garden Cenrte, I wended my way the plant section to play a bit more with my lensbaby. Even with a tripod it was difficult at times to centre the sweet spot in exactly the right place at times by tilting the lens plane. However, I persevered and got a few shots with which I felt happy. Unfortunately I was so intent on my experimentation that I forgot to note the plant labels and am unable to identify the flower blip I have chosen but I am sure one of you will set me right as I have a sinking feeling that it is in fact a very common plant. In post processing I have come to value one of the new tools in Lightroom 5, the circular selection tool which enables you to select a round or oval area of your point of focus and to dim or change the whole area surrounding it, thereby emphasising your focal point. It’s a neat way of enabling contrast just where you want it.

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