Today was the first time in my life that I've had to call '999'. I actually took a few seconds before I could do it. To compose myself. I had the overwhelming feeling that dialing 999 wouldn't actually direct me to the emergency services or that the operator would give me a row for wasting her time.

I was upstairs in the middle of clearing out every wardrobe in the house (as you do) when Joe shouted up to ask for some IKEA biscuits. Take ten I shouted back. A couple of minutes later Pip sent Joe upstairs to see me about his sore lips. Sore looking, red and unfortunately slightly swollen. Downstairs and they became more swollen a little bit of blood appeared on his top lip and hives were visible. I gave him 5ml of Piritin. Then ten minutes later another 5mls.

But by then I had also called for the ambulance.

So things calmed down but the ambulance crew took me and Joe to Yorkhill chldrens hospital A&E; I can only described it as mayhem. But the staff were great as usual and wee Joe was a star. Calm, articulate and patient (it took 2 hours to be seen)

When the doctor asked me how Joe's birth was I looked down at him, wrapped in a white NHS blanket and remembered him wrapped in a tiny version after they had to quite literally yank him out to save his life.

I felt overwhelmed and had to take a couple of breaths before I could reply.

That's Friday sweets out the window tonight then.

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