
By cate1

Buachaille Etive Mor

If you ever stay at the Kingshouse Hotel on Rannoch Moor ask for room number 11 and this is the view you will get from the room window (on a clear day). The best view we've ever had from any room any where. I must also say that the hotel staff was also great, so cheery and helpful and the breakfast was plentiful and freshly cooked, although had only porridge and one slice of toast as I didn't want to walk with a full stomach.

Today's walk was to be a little shorter, only 9 miles and by all accounts should have been a fairly easy 4-5 hours walk so we didn't start off until after 10am. The path on the first two miles ran parallel with the A82 and then turned right opposite the car park at Altnafeadh, rising slowly at first and then more steeply up The Devil's Staircase (named by the soldiers who built it the 1700s). Although I am quite strong on the uphill and much prefer a climb to a descent, this part of the walk was quite tough; there were quite a few people stopping frequently for a break and I wanted to stop and have lunch as I was hungry, but Jim said he wanted to reach the top before we had lunch so that is what we did.

At 1850 ft (550m), it was quite exposed and chilly at the top so we quickly ate our soup and sandwich and began the descent. We had 5 miles to go to Kinlochleven, but the path turned and twisted and was very protracted and initially the stones underfoot were very large and jarred my knees. After what seemed an age we arrived in Kinlochleven and found our B&B. My walking app showed we walked 11,55 miles in 5hours 45 mins with an average pace of 29.52 MPH.

The B&B was very good, comfortable and welcoming and again we had a good meal in a local restaurant. I had a steak then rewarded myself with sticky toffee pudding - I deserved it!

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