Dos de mayo
A very pissy team call this morning where our manager was annoyed at the reps in our team for not doing a "PAR" with a vendor where they come in and assess the companies way of cleaning their critical environments. Doesn't effect me as I don't have any accounts with such things. I got some kudos for my acquire account mentality.
Helped a rep do a cinco de mayo show at her account. Another scorching day and it was out in the car park. Luckily I could wear shorts. They had a margarita machine, taco truck and piñata (blipped). Enjoyed the food but as I was "working" no alcohol. Plus was going to gym later.
Came home sizzled from the heat and tied up a few loose ends before partaking in spinning class. A PB - 20.5 miles in an hour average 170 watts. Was wet through though so we cancelled our planned visit to sushi restaurant next door. The padded cycling shorts worked well even if i did feel like I was wearing a nappy!
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