
I used to love draping blankets and sheets over furniture and pretend to be camping when I was a small kid. I would steal all of my grandma's clothespin and blankets to create tents after tents, clipping them to window frames and furniture. She would tolerate me and my cousins for only so long before she kiboshed our fantasy camping trips, chasing down the little rascals who almost tore down her house.

Years later she had denied she'd ever scolded us about our tents. The cousins looked at each other and rolled our eyeballs at how she'd rewritten history.

I never showed OO what I used to do, but it must've been in my genes, as she does the exact same thing. Except that her grandma really has infinite patience for them.

I wish my own grandma is still be here to scold us, and to see how much her great-grandkids resemble their mom.

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