What a Pair of Tits


Diana saw a squirrel in the garden today. First time we've spotted a squirrel there this year, so I laid a little pile of nuts in the garden, set the camera on a tripod with a remote shutter release and settled down to capture the little blighter. 30 minutes and a few chapters of Game of Thrones later, and I was no nearer getting a picture of a squirrel than Tyrion was of being voted most eligible of the Lannister bachelors.

So, I trained my camera on the bird feeder instead. Same amount of waiting, same resulot. Clearly my deer stalker hat and green Gillette was not enough to make me inconspicuous.

A little later and I'm in the kitchen making a brew when I see a blue tit on the bird feeder. Luckily I left the camera switched on and the remote shutter release was in my pocket so I pointed it excitedly through the window. I couldn't hear the shutter fire so had assumed that I had missed the picture. It was only later, when packing the camera away and checking the card that I discovered that I had gone one better than photographing a tit and got a pair of tits!

Shame that the one in focus is showing its backside, but hey, the Sun has made lots of money from publishing pictures of tits and bums :-)

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