All eyes on you!

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Yes, it's the green-veined white butterfly again - there are two of them now & sadly the only butterflies in the garden at the moment, as the weather is poor, it's dull & chilly unfortunately. So I'll keep taking pictures of these insects & blipping them, I love taking pictures of the same subject, I miss that so much now I'm without Larry Robin.

And… same butterfly!


Well I survived Round the Tree Race in town - just 2.8 miles, but down a steep hill, & at the end up a very steep hill, almost vertical! So it was tough, but I enjoyed it & I want to do it again - but I want to properly train for it, starting soon! - I hate jogging, I hate running, but I was ok, so maybe I can do it now? I think someone is going to organise a jogging group for people like me who don't run but want to. See what happens!

Off to the town carnival tonight, another cold evening standing in the square, but sure it'll be fine :) xxx

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