One step at a time!

By IanO

The tree line

Suzy, Lucy and I spent a delightful Saturday morning exploring the western edge of this forest. Stunning scenery, beautiful birdsong and engaging dog walkers... perfection!

I met a very interesting lady in the forest (don't tell Geordiepam) one of her dog's was wearing Doggles. I asked if I could take a picture and thought that's my Blip sorted. She was happy for me to take some pictures but unfortunately, the lady has entered into a contract with Doggles for advertising and it prohibits photos of her dog wearing said goggles to be displayed on the internet, oh well perhaps another day.

How did you get on with guessing my pic from yesterday? There were some great guesses, and here's the answer, taken in the bathroom mirror! The recipient of the prize for the best guess is still being decided but when I tell you it's a morning spent strolling through a Welsh forest listening to birdsong you may want to withdraw your entry ;-)

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