A Blipper's Gift

The Blipfoto community is full of surprises, and today's was a lovely one. A very tall postman in pith helmet and shorts rang the doorbell with a parcel requiring a signature. A bonus was that he was very friendly and wasn't afraid of Ozzie. (We had a passive/aggressive postman in Berkeley who was terrified of dogs, making mail delivery difficult. Aparently no one advised him that he was making a poor career choice--but that's another story).

Hare Brain was one of my very first subscribers, commenting on my pictures before I had even figured out how the site worked. We all share a good deal of ourselves in our daily journals and pictures, and I truly feel that the friends we make this way are indeed special.

When she commented on selling one of her pictures at a village fair, I said that I wished I could had been there to see what was on offer, and that I certainly would have bought her picture called 'Alan's Cows' . Today the postman brought me the cows, beautifully matted and ready to hang on the wall. The inscription on the back says:

"To Jennie with very Best wishes and Blip love from your Blip friend Hare Brain"

It is a lovely, peaceful image of cows grazing beneath bare branched trees reflected in the pond beside them. I will hang it on the wall in my office and treasure it as a lovely gift from someone who I have never met, but somehow feel I know quite well. Thank you, HB.

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