twinned with trumpton


Pink Has Turned To Blue

Busy but easy day.

Kids AM; no real dramas in the delivery of #1 son to the school gate.

Thereafter Zander and I biked off to Stockbridge; scored some threads for the Sunday cousinfest in Glesga, a book for Tom, and most importantly a present and card for Grace; then off home, deposited the booty and back to school.

Bus to town and picked up the third part of my childcare triptych and straight to Barony Lane play park for picnic and climbing frames.

Stayed there a good hour, then slowly meandered down to Tesco via Cigs at a bus stop and bench at Mansfield Place; the sun shining, radiating smiley behaviour. Leaves looked resplendent against the sky.

We bought her a birthday cake; and then went off onto the cycle path in an effort to burn more energy; eventually wandering along Eildon Terrace(?) and G and T decided they wanted a blip site to do Great Graffiti. They then tore off across the playing fields, snapping away, laughing, screeching, yelling across the grass.

Bus from the Botanics, we head for the library to collect The Tartan Special One[/url and another half hour playing in the school play ground. Eventually 4 hours t cover 2.5 miles, we wound up home, dinner on.

They messed about, laptops, TVs (I think they had a fair go at sunshine, exercise, so was happy to sit them down and chill for a while)

Dinner was devoured, mostly. Then a 47 to hers; she'd enjoyed late lunch at Laila's with Nic; we did a hurried handver at the bus stop and took the boys home; Alex predicatably collapsed and I carried him home whilst T yawned his way through a bath and My Dad's Got an Alligator.

2130 and a glass of shiraz.... Ah...

[url=]Pink Has Turned To Blue [/url]

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