Sunday success

This weekend has been really enjoyable. It's been quite laid back, but we've still achieved a lot in the house and it's getting more homely with each little thing.

Another blind up, the last of the doors in place (one of the doors was a bit small so I had to be a bit creative to make it work - it's fine), a few more pictures and shelves up on the walls and the entire day washed down with a constant background throughout the house of the ABC's new digital radio station, Double J, which - aimed squarely at 30-somethings - hit the mark over and over for me today. I missed not hearing the news, but I couldn't fault the quality of the music! Great stuff.

We also had a visit from some friends and made it to park between showers!

I'd not blipped a dandilion clock for a while and the garden's starting to look like an investment in a mower is in order...

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