
By grounded

The final push

This is what it looks like when I am mid essay! This coming week will be the last I spend in class at the Scottish Baptist College and I have two last pieces of work to hand in. One has been drafted fully and is waiting for some last thoughts and finishing touches after class on Wednesday. And the other is currently half drafted and is the one I'm working on right now. Hopefully I will finish the draft on Tuesday, leaving only final thoughts and tidying up to be done. When I'm writing, my mind jumps from thought to though as I scrabble through books reminding myself of where I read what and picking quotes or footnoting ideas. It can seem a haphazard approach at times, but it's the way I work! I have mixed feelings about finishing college right now and so I am focussing on getting the work done. Then I can process my thoughts as the summer sees us take some rest and then transition to the next season of life!

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