
By MJCallaghan

May the 4th be with you....

Not original, but still funny.

People who aren't into Science Fiction often say that there's no difference between Star Wars and Star Trek, but there are a few massive differences. The first, and most obvious, is that Star Wars is set in the "long ago" past and Star Trek is set several hundred years in the future. While Star Trek is set in our own galaxy and features humans and even Earth, there are no humans in Star Wars because, wait for it, it's set in a Galaxy far, far away.

There are obviously more trivial differences, like the lack of gold bikinis and lightsabres in Star Trek, but I think I've listed the main ones.

If you're still not sure, then it's probably because you don't care, and in that case I'd recommend seeing a doctor because there's obviously something wrong with you.

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