A belated Friday

A very exciting night at Burgundy's on Thursday night as I took our 3 Singapore friends there to experience Kendal's jazz nightlife.

I was not too sure whether or not to sketch but once I saw these two, the inspiration was quivering.

This is Helen Longworth and Frank Flynn, the others in Quay Change being Laurence Canty (bass) , Dave Lee (reeds)and John Powney (drums)

I sketched Helen first but she took a liking to my hat so resketched her with my hat on. Meanwhile the whaky keyboard player caught my eye and of course there was plenty of material there for me!

I gave her my hat as it suited her so much - so now looking for a replacement!

Our Singapore friends had a warm welcome a clearly enjoyed the night including the special song that Helen sang for them - a variation on the theme of "in Singapore they do it".......I leave you to imagine the rest. It was amazing the number of songs they knew and indeed their knowledge of the Lake District, the Lakeland poets etc

And of course Sheila joined us and the whole evening ended in many photographs. A real great night with lots of energy all round.

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