red robin trespass...

trespassing, people! - and me, too, then - because i was - like - bird stalking it - wasn't paying any attention at all to where i was going - i was so totally focused on the bird - isn't that what happens when we have a camera up to our faces? we become oblivious to - all else around us

it wasn't until i heard yelling - finally realized the yelling was directed at me - when i glanced up - a man coming towards me - i looked around to even see where i was - thought "uh-oh... was i on private property" - turns out yes - offered profuse apology - tried to explain i was bird stalking - without coming across like a total idiot - i don't think it worked - i'm not even certain he believed me - or cared for that matter - i simply began to back away - to remove myself from the property - while still apologizing - trying to appear harmless - i did have a camera with me - sometimes that makes you look suspicious - ahhh, well - it brought some excitement into my day - although it left me with a less than ideal shot of the robin - and by the time i was back to safer ground - they'd all wised up and scattered - boo!

still and all - you can't take away - i was outside - enjoying a more summer-like day, than spring - blue skies and the distant sound of more birds singing to each other - now that will always make for...


happy day

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