youngies journey

By youngie66

Riding The Crest Of A Wave

Well day two of the golf today and this was my way to unwind after a humid day on the course I came 3rd today and kept my 4 point lead going into day 3 we played the Don Julia course today and it really hit home how much the recession hit the building trade here in Spain as the course had many apartment/condo blocks unfinished with the cranes all rusted and weeds and trees growing on the sites which was quite surreal but I enjoyed the course and scored 22pts today taking my total to 49 so that's good so I have to keep it going and because I finished 3rd I get 1 more stroke off my handicap and will be playing day 3 off of 4 now so it gets tougher again anyway after the golf some of the guys went for a beer some went to the pool but I walked down to the Med and dipped my toes in the sea as the beach was fairly quiet where I was which was nice anyway Imanaged to grab a few shots of folks on there wave riders skimming across the sea and like this one with the guys butts lifting up as they hit a rough patch forcing them off there seats so this is my blip for today so movie for the day is " Crestfallen 2011 " Looks nice LARGE as well See Ya

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