Sunny Day Pond

Retraced the very same path hubby used when we went through the back (read: semi-dusty) roads and narrow dikes to Willemstad, but this time on my way back from Rotterdam. (Dang! I was in such a mood to work that I had hoped the building was open, which it wasn't, though, because today is Liberation Day. Every 5 years we celebrate it by closing everything down. Apparently, this year is 'it'. I will observe what they do next year, for sure.)

Anyway, as I expected, Willemstad was packed today with mostly local tourists come to enjoy the weather near the water, but I also spotted some Belgians and Germans. Studied and observed which roads led to which dikes, found the dike with sheep on it again, drove through the one-street hamlet called Tonnekreek and knew I was on the right road. Before leaving Willemstad, though, I 'discovered' this pond, which, of course, has been there all along waiting all this time to be blipped.

After this, it's some typing work for the family tree and then 4th quarter lesson plans. Hopefully you'll all enjoy the rest of the week and the weather, too!

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