
By Inverculain

MonoMonday: Self Portrait

I hate being on the wrong side of a camera. I seriously thought of using the fact I'm travelling today as an excuse to duck out of his and post some airport interior shot or something. But I'd time to do it before I set off, so I bit the bullet.

This is the first time I've intentionally taken an SP. The family saw it before I left, and as usual made the comment about how I never smile in photos! Like I said: I hate being on the wrong side of a camera, and at least I'm not scowling too severely...

I chose the corner with the bookshelves because 1) it's by the window that gives the best light, and 2) I read a lot, and get through a large number of books (mostly lightweight stuff while I'm travelling, but occasionally something meatier when I've got time to relax and enjoy it). And I love having a real book in my hands: much as it would reduce the weight of our holiday luggage, I continue to resist suggestions that I should switch to a kindle or whatever!

I did try a couple where I was holding (looking up from reading) a book - an impressively high-brow looking one, of course ;) - but they looked a bit naff.

Yesterday's final macro shot orange! Or at least, half an orange. I cut a slightly past-it one in half, and I tried a few shots straight on to the face to show some segments that were shriveled next to others that were still juicy. But I liked the one I posted, taken edge-on, much better.

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