Wobbling at the War Museum

So what to do on a Bank Holiday??

I had seen a few interesting things that were tempting, such as a Demolition Derby and a Steam Fair, but in the end I went along to the Imperial War Museum with Carey. Yesterday Allisonmunro wrote about going up the observation tower and having a major wobble....Pah! I thought, it's not that high I can't believe she had struggled. Well, Allison I apologise for thinking you were a wimp.

As I pressed the button for the lift...yes you were right Allison it was creaky and jolted about...Carey backed away and said if I was going up, I was going up alone. I was still tutting inwardly at Allison's wobble and Carey wimping out...so,alone, I entered the lift. The view was great and I took pics of Coronation Street and then the dredger that was trawling up and down in front of the Lowry...then I looked down at my feet. I was walking on a metal grid and I could see all the way down to the bottom of the tower.....oh Lordy, I could feel a wobble coming on.

I took some deep breaths, kept looking up and managed to get in the lift. I found Carey and had to sit down for a minute to stop shaking. So, Allison I take back my derisory 'Pah!'

OMG....I've just found out I have got the Calumet Photo of the Week for this....yahoooo!!!

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