Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Finally, it's biology time.

The broad general education in S1 has been working out pretty well for Nature Boy so far; he's much happier than he was in Primary school and seems to be fairly absorbed in this new world, albeit with the usual 12 year old boy's desire to avoid having to do any homework if at all possible. Enter stage left: the first discrete biology bit in the science curriculum. All of a sudden, he's telling me, without prompting, about his class work and heading upstairs to do his homework. I kid you not. Yes, the boy that will usually moan about anything to do with homework went all Attenborough meets Darwin meets Peckham tonight and explained the many ways the Lynx has evolved to adapt to its environment. Sam has also evolved in many ways to adapt to his environment, including wrapping his mother round his little finger. Still made him revise for his maths test tomorrow.

Tess is back from Dalguise, cream crackered and straight into a dancing exam. She did great in rehearsal then, while Sam and I went off to spot the feathered and furry riverbank dwellers in Dyce, tiredness got the better of her for the main event.

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