Sarah's 2014

By nellie0508

May the 4th Be With You

My International Star wars Day was spent at the Disney Store with the usual Sunday figures.
There were supposed to be four managers in today but someone bailed leaving all the figures to take even longer on my own. It wasn't all bad considering Eric brought me chai latte and Toblerone!

I decided that in view of the special date we should have an in store competition between floors for talk ups. Ground floor represented the Rebellion and 1st floor were the Dark Side.
The team had the support of the management team who played the roles of Mace Windu (me), Obi Wan Kenobi (Eric), Yoda (Ian) and because he was split between both floors today, honorary manager Anakin Skywalker (played by Alan). I made sure everyone knew who we were by the colour coded zoner!
Things started off badly for the Rebel Alliance as the Sith Lords took a strong hold on the top spot, but miraculously (and with the help of some Jedi mind tricks) the Rebels managed to endure and good triumphed over evil!
The final talk up score for the store for the day ended on the highest result we have seen in weeks at 47%, super proud of our cast for managing to reach such a great score.
I have promised prizes for the winning team with members who scored above average for the day, I think that incentive worked today!

The afternoon was fun and we hosted the Ways of the Force Jedi Academy four times throughout the day.

I came home in the evening to a Sunday roast chicken from Luke with roast potatoes, yum!

Today I am grateful for our team's ability to really pull results out of the bag when it counts and for the infectious enthusiasm everybody had all day which boosted morale.

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