
By LightWave


Three or four years ago, when we were out from Boston in the fall, I planted crocus, daffodil and tulip bulbs around the edge of the property where the lawn meets the woods. I had no idea if they survived as we've never been in Wisconsin in the spring before, although I did get a report on one occasion that the tulips had come up and that the deer had subsequently eaten them. So I was actually quite amazed to see my crocuses today, in full bloom - five of them. (Big thanks to Mr L. for noticing.) And I thought I'd better get a few shots in before they too were consumed. Miracle upon miracle, the daffodils are coming along nicely too.

My new and improved wood working skills were put to the test today on the clean, dry, sweet-smelling bird feeder tray. In an attempt to improve my bird photographs, I'm trying to set up a little studio on the balcony rail - twigs, logs etc - next to the feeder. I attached T-shaped metal plates to the bottom of the tray and attached the tray to the rail using spring loaded clamps. Now I can move it where ever I want - and clean it whenever it needs it too. And my pictures should be straight on through the glass, and not at an angle. Thanks to Mr. L. for the design. And the tools. And the parts. And just about everything really. Except the screwing. I did that.

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