Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Hall of Fame

I made it!!!

All the labouring in the art class and we're on show!! 5C and me.....that is!!!!

This was the board for our section in the atrium reception area. Our screen printing efforts on full display......commissions accepted!!

Cannot believe how easy this was to do and how effective it is! No wonder teachers are natural hoarders and save every bit of waste material! This is what you can turn it all into!

National Art out!

Just love double relaxing and messy stimulating! Think I'll give the clay unit a miss though!! Just hate dry clay on my hands....makes my teeth go on edge just thinking about it! Oh no!!! Definitely not for me! No doubt it will make Albert laugh at my phobia! Plasticine any day!

I'll have to disguise my reluctance by offering to demonstrate how pliable clay can be...using plasticine to model....and hope they don't cotton on that I haven't mucki'ed my hands with that gross, yucky wonderful medium!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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