Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox


Tonight we did one of my most 'favouritist' of pastimes.....dhow cruising...dinner on board too......with our pastor and his wife who had never had the experience before.

Had been a hot, hot day so was hoping for a cooler evening to enable us to sit on deck...and we were not disappointed!

The creek is all mine!!! I think it epitomises Dubai and thank goodness they can't build on it!!

When I first visited here...the creek was a relatively 'traditional' but vibrant trading hub and I've watched it grow into this more sophisticated operation. All the big dhows now have to anchor at the Wharfage area but its still hasn't lost the tradition of trading!

This is not the dhow we cruised on. Ours is the only traditional dhow that plies the creek...which is why we choose to use it every time we cruise and it did at one time look just like this!

My thought spin out of control when I sit aboard, wondering about its history and who's hands have steered its rudder.... and to where ....and who were its passengers....and what tales would they have to tell of their voyage!

GK's dad and I were all for taking a rustic dhow trip across the Persin Gulf to Banderabbas or some other port of call......but its a man's world out there so dream on!!
Suffice to enjoy the scenery surreal

(Should have been Michael Palin's photographer and captured his journey from Dubai to India while he was busy trying to get his sea legs!!)

Happy Blipping Everyone!

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