Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox


A quiet morning before a visa run in the late afternoon to the Hatta border. On the way down....this quaint little scene of the runaway bride!

A well chosen pic for this Good Friday.

From those who deserted Him at the 11th hour to those who played major roles in the unfolding crisis:

the crowds who mocked Him
the traitor who sold Him
the priests who bought Him
the judge who sentenced Him
the soldiers who crucified Him
the thieves who died with Him

Pilates' has to be the saddest story of all!

He was the only one who could set the seal for the crucifixion and despite his own acknowledgement of Jesus innocence.....he sealed it anyway!! Position and pride were too high a price to pay.

He washed his hands and declared himself 'innocent of the blood of this just person'
I would love to have heard the conversation he had with his wife later....possibly about how all would just blow over and be forgotten within a couple of weeks.

Was ever retribution more complete.....he immediately fell from power, was recalled to Rome and disappeared from history. Legends about him are legion...but they are only legends.

Two thousand years later his infamy lives this day is recorded in the creed...."born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontious Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried....."

There's a little of Pilates' common mistake in all of us....but may we never put a limit on Gods' Amazing Grace

Trust you have all had an equally contemplative day.

Happy Blipping Everyone

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