
By Alberta

There he goes

Mr A cycling off in the distance. I don't think he realised I had stopped to take a photo and I did want him in .. I didn't really want the car but thought if I fiddled around too much longer I would really struggle to catch up though he would wait for me eventually. So we had a good training ride (our bike tour starts in 4 weeks time so key to get the miles in the legs!) although the weather today was so different to yesterday - cool a few spots of rain and grey. But it does nevertheless get hot going up those hills.

What a disappointing evening watching Liverpool last night. I felt so sorry for them. (this is Liverpool football club who stood a great chance of winning the League Cup and now only a miracle will make that happen). I am from Liverpool and was on text to my life long friend Barbara who is still there.. and who was my school friend united last night via text messages in our nail biting support!!

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