
By liveinspired

My first piece

Refurbish, restore and reinvent! These words have become a mantra for me as I journey through a new way to live life. I proved to myself, finally, that I have a natural talent for something that I love to do. I've always been crafty, but never thought that I could use a self-taught technique to express beauty. Like all of my pieces, I believe that this one represents new beginnings and the capability to find delight in almost anything. This ugly duckling is now a favorite in our home. I had no idea that this item was a real vintage piece until I turned it over and found out that it was stamped with November 20th, 1950! The work I did on this table gave me the confidence I needed to continue with furniture projects not as a hobby, but a form of expression. In creating these works of art, I found a calling that speaks to my soul. I still often feel insecure about my work, but have had reassurance from friends, family, my husband, and even other artists. I'm still getting used to calling myself an artist because I have admired the artwork of others for so long. I thought I didn't have the ability to work at the same caliber as other professionals. Being blessed with the time to focus on this part of my spirit has made me grow back into a life of inspiration... and I love it.

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