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By pplnani

Bye Bye Pretty Clematis

An unexpectedly stressful morning started when I was rudely awoken by the sound of a chainsaw. A quick look out of the window told me that the neighbours at the end of the garden had got someone in to cut the tall hedge down to size ( why they have to do it when the birds are nesting I don't know, they did exactly the same thing last year - morons!!). They have cut a lot more off this year and with it has gone my beautiful clematis that I blipped on 28th April - I know I said my clematis could maybe do with a trim I didn't think they could read my mind :-\
At one point I spotted one of the workmen in my garden - cheek of it!!! So I went downstairs and into the garden ( complete with bed head - don't laugh) to sort them out. By this time he had disappeared but the one up the tree was in view so he got full force
ME - how did all those bits of hedge get on my lawn?
WORKMAN - we put them there, we will clear them up
ME - how did you put them there?
WORKMAN - we got into your garden
ME - how did you get into the garden?
WORKMAN - we climbed over the fence. (This fence is at least 6 ft and is behind my border which is full of plants, so some must have been squashed by his hulking great feet)
ME - but you haven't had permission to come into my garden
WORKMAN - can we have permission to come into your garden?
ME - no , cheeky b*****s!!!!
And with that I went back inside furious and shaking. I had to call hubby down as reinforcements and he went out to deal with them, much more calmly than I did.
They finished the job by lunch time and now I have to look out at a brick wall and roof rather than a nice green hedge with my lovely clematis running through it. I'm still upset and feeling stressed, I think it's going to take a while before I calm down, so it's not the best day I've ever had :-(((

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