Up North

By Carwij

I made it.....

I was a bit worried about what I should shoot for my 100th blip. At work today I was on the phone, listening to a lot of people that called to make a request for care because they couldn't take good care for themselves because of illness, disability or age. I work with a lot of colleagues and we have this irritating screen that shows our service level. When I saw the 100 sign I took a photograph. It was only when I got home that I saw my name underneath the 100 because I had put my phone on occupied.

The first 100 blips, I sure hope lots will follow. All the people that warned me for addiction after starting this Blip adventure were right. I am a slave now......But a happy one! And I even learned a bit more, still an amateur but the fun in making photographs has grown more and more. I planned to adjust my 'about me' after my 100th blip, but that can wait untill tomorrow.
Thanks everyone that thought my pictures were nice enough to have a look at them and write a comment and thanks to all Blippers for letting me share a bit of your world by letting me look at yours.

PS: the 100 of course was not our service level, but the 91 above was not bad.......

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