
By Janetsch0


Last week my sister won two tickets to see the Eagles in Manchester from a radio station she listens to via the Internet Knowing I'm a long time fan, she texted me to see if I was free to go along, but I was in Nottingham with no phone signal. She couldn't contain her excitement and posted the news on Facebook, so by the time I responded a friend from Greece had arranged to fly over and go with her. I was gutted. In a desperate attempt to placate me, she entered a second time to try to win tickets in Liverpool, this time in my name. She won again! Then, in a 'you couldn't make this up' scenario, the radio station sent her my prize tickets, and today I collected hers from the post office, as they'd managed to send hers to me*.

So, 37 years after I got my first Eagles album, I'm off to see them.

* A swap will be arranged soon!

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