All you need is love

By pascolicious


My parents and Brian helped Kevin and I move to the apartment today. We got a lot of our things moved over there.

We came back to my parents house to pick up a few more things and eat dinner. Leaving was really hard for me. I've never moved out of my house and into my own place before. I left for college for a couple of years, but that was a temporary thing and I knew I'd be back home. When I came back, I was here for three years. I've gotten so used to everything around here.

When Kevin moved here, my life changed. My relationship with my parents improved and was to a point that was, for me, perfect.

Moving out has made me incredibly emotional and I cried for a long time yesterday. But Kevin has made me feel a little bit better about it and organizing our stuff has also made me feel slightly better.

I'm sure once we get our internet and cable on Saturday, I will be perfectly fine :D

one year ago: new pumas.

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