Parent meeting in the secondary school

Emma will start her 7th grade next fall in Pirkkala's lower secondary school. Today was an important day, students got to know their future class mates. Emma's class will be 7 H, and no-one from her current class will be in the same class with her. A small disappointment, but I'm sure Emma will make new friends. There will be 15 pupils in Emma's class.

In the evening parents were invited to the school. In the hallway all former and current Presidents of the Republic of Finland are posing for students of the secondary school.

1919-1925 Ståhlberg, Kaarlo Juho (1865-1952)
1925-1931 Relander, Lauri Kristian (1883-1942)
1931-1937 Svinhufvud, Pehr Evind (1861-1944)
1937-1940 Kallio, Kyösti (1873-1940)
1940-1944 Ryti, Risto Heikki (1889-1956)
1944-1946 Mannerheim, Carl Gustaf Emil (1867-1951)
1946-1956 Paasikivi, Juho Kusti (1870-1956)
1956-1982 Kekkonen, Urho Kaleva (1900-1986)
1982-1994 Koivisto, Mauno Henrik (1923-)
1994-2000 Ahtisaari, Martti Oiva Kalevi (1937-)
2000-2012 Halonen, Tarja Kaarina (1943-)
2012 - Sauli Väinämö Niinistö (1948)

+6° C, sunny

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