
By RobinBanneville

Two Minute Rest Over ... Time To Do Some Work

Here it comes ... The Travel Trident is bringing my first pick-up of the day from Herm Island ... The green and blue bags balanced precariously on the bow containing linen which requires the professional attention of the laundry girls ...
I know what you're asking (well, you're probably not asking actually, but I'll ask the question for you anyway), "Have any of these laundry bags ever fallen off the front of the Trident and into the sea?"
To which the answer is, "No.* ... Actually I must admit that some have, in the past, been consigned to Davy Jones' locker never to be seen again, but any that do fall overboard are normally rescued within a few minutes (or hours, or in some cases days, or in one case, several weeks)."
*(No = generally no more four or five times a season.)
... :o)

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