Fed up

And I see no light at the end of the tunnel.

Please stop the world I want to get off.

Can't believe that the job centre still haven't processed my joint claim and I haven't had any communication from them, despite Mr Mouse and I dutifully turning up the job centre each week to sign on.

Almost a bloody month now. It's a fucking joke.

I asked today if they could check up on the status, well no apparently I have to phone because they didn't understand what had been noted on the system. Even better it's not a freephone number oh no we will take poor unemployed people who have NO money and make them ring an 0845 number. Now currently these are actually included in my landline package, so I go to ring and our landline is not working again (we seem to have developed an intermittent fault). I can't afford to use my mobile unless it's within my contract allowances.

On top of this I finally got my photos signed for the ministry of justice job I had an interview for I rang them up last week to see if I could post them in, no apparently I have to drop them in in person, ok I don't have enough petrol in my car to get into Nottingham and even if I did I don't have the money to pay for the carpark. But I was also then told I couldn't just turn up they would get someone to call me, has anyone called no and of course that's another premium number esp on a mobile, I tried finding the 'real' number alternative but without any luck.

I just don't think I can deal with any of it anymore.

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