Fine Dining.

J dropped me at the gym this morning and I shared a few pleasantries with Roger.I then went on the bike, and another gentleman (who i have known since i started ) got on the bike next to me and we started chatting . I could see that Roger had finished his workout and wanted to chat and say goodbye, but i couldn't be rude to this other guy. I think that Roger has the hump, oh dear, never mind. When i came out i headed to town, and i have to walk under the dual carriageway. I could hear a gentle tapping noise, and i saw that it was a Song Thrush. He had a snail in his mouth and was banging the shell against the ground. I have never seen anything like it. I crept around the corner to get closer, hoping that no one else would pass. I managed to get up close as by now he had the snail out of the shell and was devouring it with great gusto. If you view it LARGE and you have a delicate stomach don't look at what's left of the snail . You can see the shell discarded on the ground.
It was so cold here last night i went to put the heating on. About five minutes later, i went to feel the radiators and there was no heat. We had hot water but no heat. J phoned British Gas this morning and they came out this afternoon and fixed it. Luckily we have three star cover so there was no charge. All in all, not a bad day, except for the poor snail!

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