
By NamaKris

Lightning Strikes

Today is paperwork. I noticed the light coming in from the window, zapping this photo of the Seinfeld cast. Yes, lightning did strike (struck gold) this very popular comedy show about nothing.
The photo was sent to me after I submitted brilliant ideas for story lines, along with a lovely letter of rejection.

Well, if I could not write for a show, perhaps I could be in a show (stage play of course). So, years ago I enrolled in classes at the Portland Center Stage after being inspired by Uta Hagen and videos of her acting classes.

At my recent voice/singing lesson with Blipper: Scoots, Shoots and Leaves, my teacher, she gave me a tongue exercise that was all so familiar. "The lips The teeth The tip of the tongue"

It all came together in an instance(after several days, though) an exercise used in a class I took with Laura Faye Smith..years ago!
It is thrilling when I can put two and two together.

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